"#TechnologyNoDoubt. We attribute our professional gains and life style changes to accessible technology, family/friends/colleagues and yes - our spiritual mindset."
C.E.O, Owner, Steve Longmire
A native of Columbus, GA, Steve always knew he would exceed the limitations others had placed on him as a youth. Born with myopic retinopathy, an eye condition that makes it difficult to see objects and scenery that lack adequate lighting and proximity, Steve was expected to live a mediocre life. However, contrary to such societal marginalizing, he went on to become an electronic engineer attending one of the country’s prestigious schools, Devry University. Upon graduation, Steve held several corporate jobs leading up to a self-study and driven phase in his life to learn programming. This career move eventually propelled him to open a small business designing websites and providing computer-related services. His varied services and products are mostly assistive technology-based and are offered to other small-based businesses, as well as individuals.
He formerly served as Treasurer for the Georgia Council of the Blind (Metro Atlanta chapter) and Chairperson of the Atlanta Metro Library for Accessible Services (AMLAS) Consumer\Advisory Committee (LCAC0). Steve enjoys techie projects, volunteering as a keyboard instructor for the blind, music, and culinary adventures. He recently developed his first android-based app. When possible, he loves to mentor 'newbies' in the profession, and to collaborate with other professionals to "pay forward" his skill sets.
Meet Tiyah, Manifestique Works

Tiyah has trained locally and nationally in both the disability and elderly communities. Her 20+ years’ technology background includes managing computer labs, mentoring STEM students with disabilities and college prep students. Serving as a former Intel sales rep, as well as an accessibility technology (AT) assistant with an metro Atlanta AT organization, it was after meeting Steve in 2015 at http://georgialibraries.org/glass/ and realizing their shared passion for AT/education, that their business relationship flourished. As a computer and information access consultant, she engages older individuals and differently-abled individuals in (re)discovering their independence, as well as to (re)gain their various passionate and fun activities.
A former New Yorker with ancestral roots in the South, she made Atlanta, GA her home to be with her professionally successful daughter and "energetic", gifted granddaughter. She received her B.S. in Vocational Technical Education with a specialty in computer end-user instruction from NYS’ leading disability-serving university, SUNY@ Oswego.
She holds a certificate in Library Information Science Technology from Georgia State University and has served as a trained lay educator with Atlanta Regional Commission RSVP program and as Community Outreach Coordinator for the RESPECT Institute. When not in her profession,Tiyah creates paper designs which have exhibited at various venues and have authored several articles and poems.