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Our Clients

Click on links below to learn of our dedicated clients...

livinglifeteam.net -  Based in Madison County, an organization bridging the gap towards independence for individuals who are blind and/or visually-impaired through their uniquely-designed support system. 
Empish Thomas.com - Professional Journalist, logger, and consultant who blogs on visually-impaired topics and individuals impacting their communities.
Allaroundbedbugheattreat.com - An affordable bed-bug heat treatment rental equipment company located in metro Atlanta.

Unity With Pam - Details community-based and professional pursuits of this well-known Columbus, GA author and photographer. Check out what amazing events Pam, a former TV host, is up to these days by clicking here http://unitywithpam.org/nosoulleftbehind.
Josie Bailey - Professional Storyteller and Laughter Yoga instructor.
Houston Council ot the Blind - One-stop site that publicizes activities and news related to the visually-impaired community. 
Georgia Council of the Blind - An affiliate of the American Council of the Blind, GCB elevates the social, economic, and cultural levels of the blind. Visit, learn and register for their national conventions.
Several of our former clients - HoopStar Basketball, SaveRKids, Counseling by Kimberly, and D & T Cleaning Services.