Mission Statement - To have our services build on a society in which everyone with a disability, and/or is experiencing aging...embodies dignity, purpose, and fulfillment
As individuals living and “thriving” with a disability, we have made fulfilling on this mission our professional and personal vision. #TechnologyNoDoubt…we live in a society that is driven by technology. Technology links communities and connects us to the world around us largely via social media platforms such as websites.
Sunbright Web Design and More (SBD) are passionate about providing new and upgraded accessible, universally-designed, and customized websites. Also, check us out for accessible technology training and consultation (Read More).
Collectively, we have been in the bizness for over 20 years with many satisfied customers' "thumbs up" for our expertise & quality service. We envision everyone, regardless of disability/being differently-abled or fully-abled, to “unapologetically” access technology towards achieving professional and/or personal gains. Going forth,#TechnologyNoDoubt, we hope you will choose us as your micro business and/or personal “bright source".